FROM: Nick Moreno – MEPA Office
SUBJECT: Route 114 Corridor Improvements – North Andover
EEA NO.: 16737
For language translation, please see attached. Para averiguar por servicios de traducción, consulte el documento adjunto.
An Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) has been submitted to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) office for this project. The EENF can be viewed through the MEPA Environmental Monitor by clicking on ‘Attachments’ for the corresponding project: A copy of the complete EENF submittal may also be requested from the “Project Contact” identified below.
The project requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in accordance with 301 CMR 11.06(7)(b) of the MEPA regulations because it is located within one mile of one or more EJ Populations. The Proponent has requested a Single EIR be allowed in lieu of the usual two-stage Draft and Final EIR process in accordance with the MEPA regulations at 301 CMR 11.06(8).
The project site encompasses approximately 40.8 acres and consists of a section of Route 114 extending from Waverly Road to Willow Street/Mill Road. Route 114 runs directionally southeast-northwest and provides a local connection between the Town of North Andover and the City of Lawrence to the northwest and the Town of Middleton to the southeast. Route 114 also provides a critical connection to regional Interstate 495, Interstate 95, and Route 125.
The project proposes to provide a more consistent roadway cross-section and substantially enhanced multimodal intersection designs. Additionally, pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements are proposed along Route 114 within the project limits. These improvements include continuous sidewalks on the northern side and a shared-use path (SUP) on the southern side of Route 114 along the entire length of the corridor.
The project will result in a direct alteration of 40.8 acres of land; the creation of 1.67 acres of impervious surfaces; the removal of 14 public shade trees; and would require right-of-way acquisitions and easements of 46 properties. The project will also result in impacts to 2,065 square feet (572 square feet temporary / 1,493 square feet permanent) of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands; 3,028 square feet (740 square feet temporary and 2,288 square feet permanent) of Land under Water; and 591 square feet (71 square feet temporary and 520 square feet permanent) of Bank.
The EENF indicates that the project meets or exceeds the following review thresholds:
- 310 CMR 11.03 (3)(b)(1)(b) alteration of 500 or more linear feet of inland bank.
- 310 CMR 11.03 (6)(b)(i)(2) widening of an existing roadway by four or more feet for one-half or more miles.
- 310 CMR 11.03(6)(b)(ii)(2) cut five or more living public shade trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of 14 or more inches.
- 310 CMR 11.03(6)(b)(ii)(3) eliminate 300 or more feet of stone wall.
The EENF indicates that the project requires the following State Agency Permits or Financial Assistance:
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
- 401 Water Quality Certificate
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)
- MassDOT Highway Division will be funding 20%
An evening online/remote consultation session will be held to receive advice and comments from agencies, officials, and citizens regarding which environmental issues, if any, are significant for this project. Opinions as to the extent and significance of possible environmental impact will be welcome.
DATE: Tuesday, August 8, 2023
TIME: 5:30 PM
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Please RSVP to Nick Moreno ( at least one hour (but preferably at least one day) before the meeting. Spanish language interpretation will be provided.
PROJECT CONTACT: Michael Paiewonsky at (339) 203-1952 or
Comments on the project will be welcome in writing on or before August 25, 2023. Comments can be submitted via email to or via the MEPA Public Comments Portal. A Certificate on the EENF will be issued on September 1, 2023. Deadlines may be extended – please check the Environmental Monitor which reflects all comment period extensions in real-time.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act, this Meeting Notice is available in alternative formats upon request. Questions on the meeting may be answered by emailing Nicholas Moreno at