North Andover Community Access and Media, Inc. (North Andover CAM) is an independent, 501(c)(3) membership-based corporation established in 2004 to manage production facilities for community access programming on the Public, Education, and Government (PEG) Access channels of North Andover.

Our three channel network is available on the Comcast and Verizon cable systems.


GovCAM (Comcast Channel 8 and Verizon 26) is where you would find bulletins and programs relating to government at the Municipal, State and Federal levels.  Watch municipal meetings live, as they happen, to see decisions as they are made.


CAM-ED (Comcast Channel 6 and Verizon 28) is where you would find bulletins and programs relating to the North Andover Education System. Turn to CAM-ED to see if school is closed for a snow day as soon as the decision is made!

CAM Access

CAM Access (Comcast Channel 22 and Verizon 24) is the community’s station. On this channel you can see interesting and lively programing produced by anyone who lives, works or studies in North Andover. Watch this channel to find religious programming, parades, skits, short films, forums, interviews, documentaries, concerts, poetry and anything else the town has to offer.

What is North Andover CAM?